TKD is a type of coin created for entertainment purposes and should not be considered as a formal investment or a financial tool. Any information or data on websites, applications, or any related TKD materials are for reference only and do not guarantee accuracy or reliability.

TKD bears no responsibility and has no legal obligation for any direct or indirect losses or damages arising from the use or access to its services. This may include financial losses, data loss, or any other damages.

Investors and TKD users need to understand that trading coins carries financial risks and they should take responsibility for their decisions. Before participating in any activities related to TKD, users should seek independent financial advice and conduct thorough research on the product and market.

TKD is a coin without intrinsic value and does not guarantee any profits. The use of TKD is at the discretion of the user. By using TKD's services, users agree to adhere to the terms and conditions set forth in this disclaimer.

Last updated